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Top 5 things you need to know when choosing a Network Marketing Opportunity

What should you look for when choosing a Network Marketing company opportunity

So many people are scared away from Network Marketing Opportunity because of the stigma that goes with it. They believe they can not be successful because they tried for a few months a year ago and their friends and family were starting to run every time they walked into the room. Yes, people will still recruit their family and friends to try their products and maybe even become a consultant or rep; then their success starts to dwindle because of the lack of knowledge of how to build a sustainable Network Marketing Company using leverage of the internet.

First, lets talk about finding the right Network Marketing company for you, not all  MLM companies are created equal even though there are so many amazing products out there.  Here is what you need to be looking for in your search for an opportunity you can be successful with.

  1. Who are the leaders in your company? The people at the top? You know the CEO, financial advisors, top company leaders. What kinds of decisions are they making for the benefit of the company and the team. Do they have a good model or keep changing the structure of the company?
  2. What are the products? Depending on your goals, you can be super passionate about what you sell and make a few hundred dollars sharing with your family and friends. Products are only a vehicle to your success and I believe not the most important reason to choose your company.
  3. Compensation Plan. Not all compensation plans are created equal. You have a Binary, where if you don’t get that one side to keep ordering and reordering youwill never cycle and cash out your hard work. Traditional where you need to build a huge organization of reps to grow and as they start to decline,becauseyou know they will, so does your organization. Then you have a social retail plan, where you get paid on everything, this is leverage. No, reps and just customers you can still build a highly successful business. Know the compensation plan and how you can benefit for the work you do TODAY.
  1. Training, online and off line. This is super important if you want to build a successful organization. What kind of training does your company pervade? Is it just company specific training or is it trainings from Industry Leaders that are asked to participate in your education? Coaches that know social media marketing and have built six and seven figure businesses.

Are these strategies duplicable for your entire team to succeed, or do they need to have you show them over and over again?

  1. Community.  This may be one of the most important parts of choosing your company. Make sure you join a team that you resonate with. Are you being congratulated not just for your big wins, but even those small wins. Company culture is extremely important the joint you network marketing or MLM opportunity oes the team work together, through struggles, new launches, the trainings and advancements? Would you vacation with these people? That is the question.

Most people find a product and join not knowing anything else about how they will build a business. These questions you need to ask yourself to become successful in the Network Marketing Industry. Take the time so you fully understand what your requirement would be and if you will be able to hit those goals you set for yourself with this company.



If you have any questions on how to build a successful online business or what business I choose and became successful with reach out to me.

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Seth and Kimberly’s Network Marketing Blog
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PS: Feeling stuck in your business? Struggling to connect with
people to bring them in as Reps or Customers. Learn what the
the Top Leaders are doing that your are not! Head here to Find out their secrets!