Can you Really Make Money Online?
Can you Really Make Money Online? Why you should market online? You can make money. You can learn. You can be your own boss. You can work from home (or anywhere!) How affiliate marketing works. There are a number of ways to make money online, and one of the most...
Have No Motivation? 5 Tips That Will Kick You Into High Gear for 2019
We’ve got a brand New Year ahead of us. Of course for you to be your best self in 2019, you’ve got to first become your best self. If you’re stuck in a mode where you’re saying I have no motivation, then there may be deeper things going on. Luckily we’ve got some...
A Little Slice of Life!
A Little Slice of Life! Let's chat for just a minute.... I have been slacking on my writing BIG TIME! I have been focusing on things that are not serving me, nor helping with my BIG goals. YES..I have been out there, doing the mundane. This is not living my purpose,...
4 Important Traits of a Leader In a Team
4 Important Traits of a Leader In a Team Your selection of team leaders for your small business is a key decision that impacts the overall success of the enterprise. Team leaders are essential to executing your vision for your business and in setting the tone for your...
How to Use Facebook Groups to Create Engagement and Build Relationships
How to Use Facebook Groups to Create Engagement and Build Relationships Facebook Groups are all the craze right now, but there seems to be some confusion on what is the best way to use them. We are all looking to meet new people and build new relationships inside of...
Find your Motivation when you're not getting results!
I was speaking to a client over the weekend and the question came up about "finding your motivation" and getting moving again when you've had little to no results. This person had been in the industry for a while but recently started to have problems in the result...
Top 5 things you need to know when choosing a Network Marketing Opportunity
Top 5 things you need to know when choosing a Network Marketing Opportunity So many people are scared away from Network Marketing Opportunity because of the stigma that goes with it. They believe they can not be successful because they tried for a few months a year...
Facebook Challenges for Lead Gen in 5 Simple Steps
If you've never heard of ‘Facebook challenges' before to get leads and grow your business, you are not alone. This case study and tutorial will show you how to take advantage of Facebook challenges for lead generation today. This is a new strategy, innovated by a few...
Staying Committed to your Goals & Personal Development
Do you struggle with follow through? We are programmed for success, but groomed for failure. Everything in this universe moves towards disorder. If you are not proactive, you will slide into the average land. You must stay proactive in achieving your goals. Commit to...
Do you know how to Market on Facebook?
In the past weeks I have had so many people reach out to me asking me so many questions on how I have grown my business on social media in the past year. I have made mistakes, I have tried many different approaches and I have finally figured out some really great...